module MiGA::Project::Result

Helper module including specific functions to add project results.

Public Instance Methods

ignore_task?(task) click to toggle source

Is this task to be bypassed?

# File lib/miga/project/result.rb, line 33
def ignore_task?(task)
  return true if metadata["run_#{task}"] == false

  !clade? && @@INCLADE_TASKS.include?(task) && metadata["run_#{task}"] != true
inactivate!(reason = nil) click to toggle source

Do nothing, only to comply with MiGA::Common::WithResult

# File lib/miga/project/result.rb, line 28
def inactivate!(reason = nil)
next_distances(save = true) click to toggle source

Get the next distances task, saving intermediate results if save. Returns a Symbol.

# File lib/miga/project/result.rb, line 42
def next_distances(save = true)
  next_task(@@DISTANCE_TASKS, save)
next_inclade(save = true) click to toggle source

Get the next inclade task, saving intermediate results if save. Returns a Symbol.

# File lib/miga/project/result.rb, line 49
def next_inclade(save = true)
  next_task(@@INCLADE_TASKS, save)
project() click to toggle source

Return itself, to simplify modules

# File lib/miga/project/result.rb, line 22
def project
result_base() click to toggle source

Return the basename for results

# File lib/miga/project/result.rb, line 16
def result_base