Helper module including download functions for the seqcode_get action
# File lib/miga/cli/action/download/seqcode.rb, line 13 def cli_name_modifiers(opt) opt.on( '--no-version-name', 'Do not add sequence version to the dataset name' ) { |v| cli[:add_version] = v } end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/download/seqcode.rb, line 10 def cli_task_flags(_opt) end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/download/seqcode.rb, line 24 def remote_list cli.say 'Downloading genome list' current_page = 1 total_pages = 1 ds = {} while current_page <= total_pages json = :seqcode, :'type-genomes', nil, :json, nil, page: current_page ) doc = MiGA::Json.parse(json, contents: true) current_page = doc.dig(:response, :current_page) + 1 total_pages = doc.dig(:response, :total_pages) doc[:values].each do |name| next unless name[:type_material] acc = name[:type_material].values.first db = name[:type_material].keys.first next unless %[assembly nuccore].include?(db) # No INSDC genome, ignore classif = name[:classification] || {} tax =[ { |i| [i[:rank], i[:name]] }]) tax << { 'ns' => 'seqcode', name[:rank] => name[:name] } d = { ids: [acc], db: db, universe: :seqcode, md: { type: :genome, tax: tax, is_type: true, type_rel: 'SeqCode type genome', seqcode_url: "{name[:id]}" } } d[:md][:get_ncbi_taxonomy] = true if cli[:get_ncbi_taxonomy] ds[remote_row_name(tax, db, acc)] = d end end ds end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/download/seqcode.rb, line 62 def remote_row_name(tax, db, asm) acc = asm.to_s acc.gsub!(/\.\d+\Z/, '') unless cli[:add_version] db_short = { assembly: 'asm', nuccore: 'gb' }[db] "#{tax.lowest[1]}_#{db_short}_#{acc}".miga_name end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/download/seqcode.rb, line 20 def sanitize_cli cli[:save_every] = 1 if cli[:dry] end