class MiGA::Json

Taxonomic classifications in MiGA.

Public Class Methods

default_opts(opts = {}) click to toggle source

Default parsing options. Supported opts keys:

  • :contents: If true, the input is assumed to be the contents to parse, not the path to a JSON file.

  • :default: A base to attach the parsed hash. A Hash or a String (path).

  • :additions: If addition classes should be parsed. By default is false.

  • :symbolize: If names should be symbolized. By default it's true if additions is false, or false otherwise. They can both be false, but an exception will be raised if both are true

  • :large_file: If passed, the file is treated as a file with very long lines (possibly a single long line)

# File lib/miga/json.rb, line 26
def default_opts(opts = {})
  opts[:contents] ||= false
  opts[:additions] ||= false
  opts[:symbolize] = !opts[:additions] if opts[:symbolize].nil?
  if opts[:additions] and opts[:symbolize]
    raise 'JSON additions are not supported with symbolized names'

generate(obj, path = nil) click to toggle source

Generates and returns prettyfied JSON to represent obj. If path is passed, it saves the JSON in that file.

# File lib/miga/json.rb, line 82
def generate(obj, path = nil)
  generate_generic(:pretty_generate, obj, path)
generate_fast(obj, path = nil) click to toggle source

Generates and returns plain JSON to represent obj without checking for circular references. If path is passed, it saves the JSON in that file.

# File lib/miga/json.rb, line 96
def generate_fast(obj, path = nil)
  generate_generic(:fast_generate, obj, path)
generate_plain(obj, path = nil) click to toggle source

Generates and returns plain JSON to represent obj. If path is passed, it saves the JSON in that file.

# File lib/miga/json.rb, line 89
def generate_plain(obj, path = nil)
  generate_generic(:generate, obj, path)
parse(path, opts = {}) click to toggle source

Parse a JSON file in path and return a hash. Optionally, use default as the base to attach the parsed hash. default can be a Hash or a String (path). See default_opts for supported opts.

# File lib/miga/json.rb, line 42
def parse(path, opts = {})
  opts = default_opts(opts)

  # Read JSON
  cont = path
  if opts[:large_file]
    cont = '', 'r') do |fh|
      cont += ** 16) until fh.eof?
  elsif !opts[:contents]
    12.times do
      cont =
      break unless cont.empty?
      sleep 1 # Wait up to 12 seconds for racing processes (iff empty file)
  raise "Empty descriptor: #{opts[:contents] ? "''" : path}" if cont.empty?

  # Parse JSON
  params = {
    symbolize_names: opts[:symbolize],
    create_additions: opts[:additions]
  y = JSON.parse(cont, params)

  # Add defaults
  unless opts[:default].nil?
    opts[:default] = parse(opts[:default]) if opts[:default].is_a? String
    y.each { |k, v| opts[:default][k] = v }
    y = opts[:default]

  # Return