Helper module with files configuration functions for MiGA::Cli::Action::Init
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 55 def check_additional_files(paths) if cli[:mytaxa] check_mytaxa_scores(paths) check_mytaxa_database(paths) end check_rdp_classifier if cli[:rdp] check_phyla_lite cli.puts '' end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 37 def check_configuration_script(rc_fh) unless File.exist? cli[:config] cli[:config] = cli.ask_user( 'Is there a script I need to load at startup?', cli[:config] ) end if File.exist? cli[:config] cli[:config] = File.expand_path(cli[:config]) cli.puts "Found bash configuration script: #{cli[:config]}" rc_fh.puts "MIGA_STARTUP='#{cli[:config]}'" rc_fh.puts '. "$MIGA_STARTUP"' else cli[:config] = '/dev/null' end cli.puts '' end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 75 def check_mytaxa_database(paths) cli.print 'Looking for MyTaxa DB... ' mt = File.dirname(paths['MyTaxa']) dmnd_db = 'AllGenomes.faa.dmnd' miga_db = File.join(ENV['MIGA_HOME'], '.miga_db') home_db = File.join(miga_db, dmnd_db) mt_db = File.join(mt, 'AllGenomes.faa.dmnd') if File.exist?(home_db) cli.puts 'yes' elsif File.exist?(mt_db) cli.puts 'yes, sym-linking' FileUtils.mkdir_p(miga_db) File.symlink(mt_db, home_db) else cli.puts 'no, downloading' MiGA::MiGA.download_file_ftp(:miga_dist, dmnd_db, home_db) do |n, size| cli.advance("#{dmnd_db}:", n, size) end cli.puts end end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 65 def check_mytaxa_scores(paths) cli.print 'Looking for MyTaxa scores... ' mt = File.dirname(paths['MyTaxa']) unless Dir.exist?(File.join(mt, 'db')) cli.puts "no\nExecute 'python2 #{mt}/utils/'" raise 'Incomplete MyTaxa installation' end cli.puts 'yes' end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 120 def check_phyla_lite cli.puts 'Looking for Phyla Lite... ' cmd = ['get_db', '-n', 'Phyla_Lite', '--no-overwrite'] end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 97 def check_rdp_classifier cli.print 'Looking for RDP classifier... ' miga_db = File.join(ENV['MIGA_HOME'], '.miga_db') file = 'classifier.jar' path = File.join(miga_db, file) if File.size?(path) cli.puts 'yes' else cli.puts 'no, downloading' arch = 'classifier.tar.gz' MiGA::MiGA.download_file_ftp( :miga_dist, arch, File.join(miga_db, arch) ) { |n, size| cli.advance("#{arch}:", n, size) } cmd = <<~CMD cd #{miga_db.shellescape} \ && tar zxf #{arch.shellescape} \ && rm #{arch.shellescape} CMD run_cmd(cli, cmd, source: nil) cli.puts end end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 26 def close_rc_file(rc_fh) rc_fh.puts <<~FOOT MIGA_CONFIG_VERSION='#{MiGA::MiGA.FULL_VERSION}' MIGA_CONFIG_LONGVERSION='#{MiGA::MiGA.LONG_VERSION}' MIGA_CONFIG_DATE='#{}' FOOT rc_fh.close end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/init/files_helper.rb, line 6 def open_rc_file rc_path = File.expand_path('.miga_rc', ENV['MIGA_HOME']) if File.exist? rc_path if cli.ask_user( 'I found a previous configuration. Do you want to continue?', 'yes', %w(yes no) ) == 'no' cli.puts 'OK, see you soon!' exit(0) end end rc_fh =, 'w') rc_fh.puts <<~BASH #!/bin/bash # `miga init` made this on #{} BASH rc_fh end