Check the database in db_file
maintains integrity for the
tables saving metric
(:ani or :aai) and call blk
if the file is corrupt or doesn't contain the expected structure
# File lib/miga/cli/action/doctor/databases.rb, line 7 def check_sqlite3_database(db_file, metric, &blk)"select count(*) from #{metric}") rescue SQLite3::SQLException, SQLite3::CorruptException end
# File lib/miga/cli/action/doctor/databases.rb, line 13 def each_database_file(dataset, &blk) ref_db = { haai: ['01.haai', :aai], aai: ['02.aai', :aai], ani: ['03.ani', :ani] } qry_db = { haai: ['.haai.db', :aai], aai: ['.aai.db', :aai], ani: ['.ani.db', :ani] } base = File.join(dataset.project.path, 'data', '09.distances') result = :distances if dataset.ref? file_db = "#{}.db" ref_db.each do |rank, v| dir, metric = *v file = File.join(base, dir, file_db) blk[file, metric, result, rank] if File.exist? file end # Query databases for reference databases refer to taxonomy runs base = File.join(base, '05.taxonomy') result = :taxonomy end qry_db.each do |rank, v| ext, metric = *v file = File.join(base, "#{}#{ext}") blk[file, metric, result, rank] if File.exist? file end end