Public data

from Kostas lab

Rodriguez-R et al. (under review) includes references to the following material:

Description File
Group I thaumarchaeotal genome sequence Assembly (fna.gz, 144Kb)
Reference genome for read recruitment Assembly (fna.gz, 636Kb)
Metagenome EN_54 from Gulf of Mexico FWD Reads (fastq.gz, 1.5Gb), REV Reads (fastq.gz, 1.6Gb)
Metagenome EN_55 from Gulf of Mexico FWD Reads (fastq.gz, 1.2Gb), REV Reads (fastq.gz, 1.2Gb)
Metagenome EN_56 from Gulf of Mexico FWD Reads (fastq.gz, 7.5Gb), REV Reads (fastq.gz, 8.1Gb)
Metagenome EN_57 from Gulf of Mexico FWD Reads (fastq.gz, 1.7Gb), REV Reads (fastq.gz, 1.8Gb)
Metagenome EN_58 from Gulf of Mexico FWD Reads (fastq.gz, 1.6Gb), REV Reads (fastq.gz, 1.7Gb)
Metagenome EN_59 from Gulf of Mexico FWD Reads (fastq.gz, 1.8Gb), REV Reads (fastq.gz, 1.9Gb)