Public data

from Kostas lab

Rodriguez-R et al (2018) includes references to the following material:

Collection Data type Description Files

(8,350 genomes)

Taxonomy Raw text file with genome name and taxonomy. NCBI_Prok-tax.txt.gz (195Kb)
Whole-genome ANI Tab-delimited raw text file with columns:
  1. Genome A,
  2. Genome B,
  3. Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI; %).
NCBI_Prok-ani.tsv.gz (5.1Mb)
16S rRNA gene identity Tab-delimited raw text files with columns:
  1. Genome A,
  2. Genome B,
  3. 16S identity (%)*.
NCBI_Prok-ssu.tsv.gz (2.6Mb)
NCBI_Prok_V4-ssu.tsv.gz (2.3Mb)
NCBI_Prok_V6-ssu.tsv.gz (2.3Mb)

(1,689 genomes)

Whole-genome ANI Tab-delimited raw text file with columns:
  1. Genome A,
  2. Genome B,
  3. Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI; %).
RefSeq-ani.tsv.gz (30Kb)
16S rRNA gene identity Tab-delimited raw text files with columns:
  1. Genome A,
  2. Genome B,
  3. 16S identity (%)*.
RefSeq-ssu.tsv.gz (29Kb)
RefSeq_V4-ssu.tsv.gz (28Kb)
RefSeq_V6-ssu.tsv.gz (28Kb)
* Identity values are for the complete 16S sequences and the variable regions V4 and V6.