Average Amino acid Identity

§ AAI calculator

The AAI calculator estimates the average amino acid identity using both best hits (one-way AAI) and reciprocal best hits (two-way AAI) between two genomic datasets of proteins.
For an introductory comment, see Rodriguez-R & Konstantinidis, 2014.

Important note
Use protein sequences as input; this tool does not predict protein-coding regions. If you want to compare genomic sequences instead, please use the ANI calculator. If you want to predict protein sequences from a genome, we recommend using GeneMark.

§ Input data

Your name, a valid e-mail address, and a name to identify the job.


First genome in Multi-FastA format (amino acids), or NCBI-acc of the genome (nucleotides). For example, CM001142 for Escherichia fergusonii.


Second genome in Multi-FastA format (amino acids), or NCBI-acc of the genome (nucleotides). For example, AE005174 for Escherichia coli.

§ AAI options

How alignments are filtered.