Enveomics collection

A toolbox for microbial genomics and metagenomics


Merges multiple (two-column) lists into one table.

    See source code, Artistic license 2.0.

§ References

    Rodriguez-R & Konstantinidis, 2016, PeerJ Preprints.

§ Requirements

§ Usage

Table.merge.pl [opts] in_file > out_file

§ Arguments

 -s   Values are read as Strings. By default, values are read as numbers.
Input delimiter
 -i string  Input field-delimiter. By default, tabulation.
Output delimiter
 -o string  Output field-delimiter. By default: tabulation.
No header
 -n   By default, the header is determined by the file names.
 -e   Default string when no value is found. By default, the 'empty' value is 0 if values are numeric (i.e., unless -s is set) or an empty string otherwise.
 -h string  Header of the first column, containing the IDs.
Header format
 -H string  Format of filenames capturing the column header in the first capturing parenthesis. Non-capturing paretheses can be defined as (?:...). By default: '(?:.*/)?([^\.]+)', which captures the part of the basename of the file before the first dot (if any).
Rows to ignore
 -r integer  Number of leading rows to ignore in the input files.
Input file*
 in_file  Input two-column lists.
Output file*
 out_file  Merged table.
* Mandatory.