Enveomics collection

A toolbox for microbial genomics and metagenomics


Generates iToL-compatible files from a .jplace file (produced by RAxML's EPA or pplacer), that can be used to draw pie-charts in the nodes of the reference tree.

    See source code, Artistic license 2.0.

§ References

    Rodriguez-R & Konstantinidis, 2016, PeerJ Preprints.

§ Requirements

§ Usage

JPlace.to_iToL.rb --in in_file --out out_file [opts]

§ Arguments

Input file*
 --in in_file  .jplace input file containing the read placement.
Out base*
 --out out_file  Base of the output files.
 --unique string  Name of the dataset (if only one is used). Conflicts with 'Regex' and 'Separator'.
 --regex string  Regular expression capturing the sample ID (named dataset) in read names. By default: '^(?.+?):.*'. Conflicts with 'Separator'.
 --separator string  String separating the dataset name and the rest of the read name. It assumes that the read name starts by the dataset name. Conflicts with 'Regex'.
 --metadata in_file  Datasets metadata in tab-delimited format with a header row. Valid headers: name (required), color (in Hex), size (# reads), norm (any float).
 --norm string  Normalization strategy. Must be one of: none: Direct read counts are reported without normalization. count (default): The counts are normalized (divided) by the total counts per dataset. size: The counts are normalized (divided) by the size column in metadata (must be integer). norm: The counts are normalized (divided) by the norm column in metadata (can be any float).
Old itol
 --old-itol   Generate output file using the old iToL format (pre v3.0).
 --collapse in_file  Internal nodes to collapse (requires rootted tree).
 --area   If set, the area of the pies is proportional to the placements. Otherwise, the radius is.
 --quiet   Run quietly (no STDERR output).
* Mandatory.