Enveomics collection

A toolbox for microbial genomics and metagenomics


Interpose sequences in FastA format from two files into one output file. If more than two files are provided, the script will interpose all the input files.

    See source code, Artistic license 2.0.

§ References

    Rodriguez-R & Konstantinidis, 2016, PeerJ Preprints.

§ Requirements

§ Usage

FastA.interpose.pl [opts] out_file in_file in_file [opts]

§ Arguments

Checking period
 -T integer  Sampling period for names evaluation.
Output file*
 out_file  Output FastA file.
Input FastA 1*
 in_file  First FastA file.
Input FastA 2*
 in_file  Second FastA file.
Additional FastA
 in_file  Any additional FastA files (or none).
* Mandatory.