Enveomics collection

A toolbox for microbial genomics and metagenomics


Produce recruitment plot objects provided that BlastTab.catsbj.pl has been previously executed.

    See source code, Artistic license 2.0.

§ References

    Rodriguez-R & Konstantinidis, 2016, PeerJ Preprints.

§ Requirements

§ Usage

BlastTab.recplot2.R --prefix in_file [opts] out_file [opts]

§ Arguments

 --prefix in_file  Path to the prefix of the BlastTab.catsbj.pl output files. At least the files .rec and .lim must exist with this prefix.
Pos breaks
 --pos-breaks integer  Breaks in the positions histogram.
Pos breaks tsv
 --pos-breaks-tsv in_file  File with (absolute) coordinates of breaks in the position histogram.
Id breaks
 --id-breaks integer  Breaks in the identity histogram.
Id free range
 --id-free-range   Indicates that the range should be freely set from the observed values. Otherwise, 70-100% is included in the identity histogram (default).
Id metric
 --id-metric select  Metric of identity to be used (Y-axis). Corrected identity is only supported if the original BLAST file included sequence lengths.
Id summary
 --id-summary string  Function summarizing the identity bins.
Id cutoff
 --id-cutoff float  Cutoff of identity metric above which the hits are considered 'in-group'. The 95% identity corresponds to the expectation of ANI<95% within species.
 --threads integer  Number of threads to use.
No verbose
 --no-verbose   Indicates if the function should report the advance.
Peaks col
 --peaks-col string  Color of peaks, mandatory for peak-finding (e.g., darkred).
Peaks method
 --peaks-method select  Method to detect peaks.
R Object Output*
 out_file  Recplo2 object that can be re-plotted using R function plot.
Graphical Output
 out_file  Recruitment plot in PDF.
 float  Width of the plot in inches (7 by default).
 float  Height of the plot in inches (7 by default).
* Mandatory.